Same familiar faces, same evaluations, now from the comfort of your home or in-person. Now able to offer virtual or in-office assessments.

At Heights Family Counseling we offer psychological evaluations for children and adults.

As therapists, we understand it is challenging to watch your child struggle in school, with their peers, or at home. Or, to struggle yourself with unexplained challenges that make it hard for you to function as an adult. We know that the evaluation process can be a scary step for many people. But, getting tested does not mean there’s something wrong with you. Actually, it allows us to make sure you and/or your child’s unique strengths are identified and recognized.

In terms of child psychological evaluations, We strive to understand a child completely in order to not only identify a diagnosis, but better understand the individual as a whole. This allows us to feel confident recommending a comprehensive treatment plan for home and school. In order to really get to know what’s going on we will listen to what both you and your child has to say, because no one better understands what you’re going through better than you and your child.

Some of the evaluations we offer at Heights Family Counseling include ADHD assessment, psychoeducation testing to assess for learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder evaluations, and psychological evaluations.   

ADHD Evaluations

“Why can’t I complete simple tasks?”

“Things seem so much easier for other people.”

“I know I’m struggling, but I don’t know why.”

“My child’s school has shared that they act out and have a hard time concentrating, but typical behavioral interventions haven’t helped.”

These are just a few of the comments we hear before an ADHD evaluation. While ADHD is common (a little less than 10 percent of the population), it can have a significant impact on school, work, and social/family life.

Our ADHD evaluation process

ADHD is more than a checklist of symptoms, as many different things, such as trauma, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorders, etc. can impact our attention. To determine if you or your child has ADHD, we perform neuropsychological assessments. Common assessments include IQ testing, executive functioning measures, emotional assessments, continuous performance tasks, tests of sustained attention, and working memory tasks. We do it all because we know getting a correct diagnosis is important. We also provide a comprehensive report to share with whoever you feel comfortable with, like a doctor, psychiatrist, school, work, etc. 

Psychoeducational Evaluation

Is there anything scarier than watching your child suffer and not knowing how to help? You see your child not living up to their potential, you’ve tried all the things, and it’s still not working.

Our Psychoeducational evaluation process

A Psychoeducational Evaluation will provide insight into your child’s learning struggles and their academic strengths. It gives you a roadmap to their success in school and life.

Some of the areas that we look at during a psychoeducational evaluation include cognitive ability, processing ability, phonological processing, fine motor, working memory and long-term retrieval, academic achievement, receptive/expressive and social language, emotional functioning, executive functioning, and attention.

A full written report is included to keep for your records and/or share with your school.

We assess for all learning disabilities, but some common ones are Dyslexia (Reading Disorder), Math Disorder (Dyscalculia), Disorder of Written Expression, Language Disorder, Social Communication Disorder, Dysgraphia, and Nonverbal Learning Disorder. 

Autism Evaluations

Autism diagnoses are on the rise, but so is the understanding of autism spectrum disorders. Many children and adults have found comfort in understanding themselves and the way their brain works. We acknowledge that being on the autism spectrum doesn’t necessarily mean having a disability. But, we also know the world doesn’t always accommodate people who are neurodiverse and think and behave differently than the norm. A diagnosis can help provide insight, suggest early interventions, provide necessary accommodations, and learn how your child or self ticks.

Our Autism Evaluation process:

We offer evaluations for children as young as 18 months through adulthood. We use tests which are specifically geared for each stage of life.

Our autism testing is thorough. We want to acknowledge your insight and matching it with data from testing. Furthermore, if permitted, we will include outside observations from parties such as family members or teachers. A typical assessment can vary greatly depending on the individual but can consists of cognitive testing, language and social language assessment, academic achievements, executive functioning, personality and/or psychological testing, and tests specific to ASD, such as the ADOS-2, MIGDAS-2, GARS, ASRS, SRS-2, CARS, Social Language Development Test, CAT-Q, and RAADS-R.

Psychological Testing

Maybe you want to understand why you, or your child, thinks and behaves in a certain way. In this case, we use psychological testing to determine what may be causing the unique challenges you’re experiencing.

Our Psychological testing process

We use a variety of tests depending on what’s going on. These could include cognitive functioning, personality assessments, emotional functioning, behavioral observation, clinical interview, and psychological tests.

In addition, our owner, Amy Rollo, is independently licensed to practice psychology in Texas and can perform projective testing to further evaluate and also explore things such as personality disorders as a Licensed Psychological Associate with Independent Practice.

While we assess for everything, common diagnoses can include Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorder, Personality Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, Complex PTSD, and Thought Disorders. 

Developmental Evaluation or School Readiness Evaluation

A Developmental or School Readiness Evaluation is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate a pre kindergarten child's cognitive, language, motor, social-emotional, and adaptive skills to determine their preparedness for school, help decide right school fit, and/or provide information to determine whether to “red shirt” or place in Bridge-Kindergarten. This evaluation helps to identify strengths, potential delays, kindergarten readiness, emotional and behavioral functioning, and areas needing support before entering a structured learning environment.

The assessment process includes standardized testing (WPPSI), parent and teacher questionnaires, and clinical observations to assess key developmental domains such as early literacy and numeracy skills, attention and self-regulation, communication abilities, and fine and gross motor coordination. Additionally, social-emotional readiness - such as the ability to follow directions, interact with peers, and manage transitions is evaluated.

The goal of a School Readiness Evaluation is to provide parents and educators with a clear understanding of a child's developmental progress and to recommend strategies, interventions, or services that may support their successful transition into a school setting. If necessary, referrals for speech therapy, occupational therapy, or early intervention services may be provided.

Private School Entrance Testing

Private school applications can be a daunting experience, and many parents can feel overwhelmed completing all of the tasks. We offer IQ testing (WPPSI and/or WISC) for the sole purpose of sending to private schools. If parents wish, we can offer an interpretive feedback with feedback of strengths and weaknesses, share any potential red flags for attention and/or learning difficulties, and share guidance on school choice based on the results and a parent interview.

We Offer Compassionate Evaluations and Treatment

We know it can be a daunting process, but we want you to know we treat you with compassion and warmth. It’s extremely rewarding to have a client tell us tell us that they’re relieved someone actually “gets them” when we tell share the results of the testing. Furthermore, we are parents too. So, we understand and can empathize with the fear you may feel when starting this process. We understand how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that your child is struggling. Therefore, our ultimate goal is that you feel secure and understood the entire time you’re going through this process.

Get Evaluation Services in Houston, TX:

If you’re looking for compassionate help understanding the root cause of the issues you or your child are having. Then, we can help. We listen so we can truly understand you and what’s going on, then we provide thorough testing to get a complete picture of the challenges. Ultimately, the testing process allows you to get to know yourself, or your child, better because it provides you with all the facts. Follow these steps to begin evaluation services in Houston, TX:

Contact our counseling clinic to set up a free phone consultation,

2.    Meet with a member of our evaluation team,

3.    Begin the evaluation process and find clarity into what’s causing your challenges.

Autism Spectrum Evaluations
Ages 5 and over - $2,700
Under 5 - $2,200

Psychoeducational Evaluation - $2,400

Comprehensive AD/HD Evaluations - $1,700

Psychological Testing- $1,700

Developmental Evaluation or School Readiness Evaluation-$1,200

Private School Entrance IQ Testing- $350 assessment and test scores only