Position of the Month: March 2018

I have been wanting to create a blog series promoting a different sexual position each month.  I thought this would be an interesting way to help bring some creative fun to our audiences’ sexual lives.  If nothing else, trying some of these with a partner might provide a good laugh! As many of you are aware, Heights Family Counseling is an all-inclusive counseling practice, so there will be months that I will share heteronormative positions, but there will also be months that I share information regarding positions specifically meant for other sexual lifestyles. I am very excited to bring this series to you all.  I hope you enjoy trying these positions out - let the fun begin!

I have a difficult time thinking about March and not automatically thinking about St. Patrick’s Day, so I thought for this first position of the month blog I would share a Patty’s Day themed position. 

The Four Leaf Clover

For the mild at heart: For those in my audience that would like to spice things up in the bedroom but are a little green when it comes to performing sex acts outside of the most common, try this version of the four leaf clover.  Have one partner lay on their stomach on any bed or surface with your legs hanging a bit off the edge. You will want to place pillows or a wedge under your chest enough so that your head is not directly on the bed/surface (you want to be able to breathe). This same partner will then take their hands behind them to grab their ankles. Sort of like if you were going into the yoga pose, bow.  Instead of pulling on your ankles, like in bow, this partner will instead pull their ankles towards the outside of their knees and bend their elbows outward.  If looking down from above, this should look a bit like a four leaf clover (each arm and leg being a leaf of the clover). Your partner, who is standing on the edge of the bed/surface, will then enter you from behind. In order to create movement, have the standing partner grab on to the laying partner’s waist, thighs, or butt whichever is more comfortable and use as a point of stability for thrusting.  The partner entering from behind is like the stem to the four leaf clover.

For the wild at heart: For those in my audience who would like to take the mild four leaf clover to the next level, I have a few suggestions. Instead of just holding on to your ankles, try out ankle and wrist cuffs, where your right ankle is cuffed to your right wrist (and same on the left).  Doing this would likely involve buying separate cuffs so that you can change out how you want use them.  These can be easily bought at your local adult toy shop or online at your favorite adult toy store. Another way that you can take this position to the next level is to use a vibrator or perform oral sex on the laying partner rather than just entering them from behind.

I hope you have fun time trying out this position.  It can also be made all the more festive by donning a green condom! Enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day!

Written by Katie Mitchell, M.A., CST-Candidate

If you're wanting to improve your physical intimacy, sex therapy can help support you and/or your relationship. Contact our counseling clinic today.

Katie Mitchell is a counselor and Certified Sex Therapist-Candidate at Heights Family Counseling. She believes in using a solution-focused therapeutic approach to therapy, in order to empower clients to discover more effective solutions to their problems.  Katie aims to foster a non-judgmental, accepting environment that helps clients to feel comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts and self-reflections. Katie enjoys working with a variety of clientele, such as individuals, couples, and families.  She also enjoys working with both individual and relational sexual concerns.  She understands that an active sex life is incredibly important for most individuals, especially those in a relationship. Learn more about Katie by visiting, https://heightsfamilycounseling.com/amy-rollo/, or learn more about our services at, https://heightsfamilycounseling.com/services/