Same familiar faces, same techniques, from the comfort of your home or our office. Now offering in-person and virtual options!

Overcome PTSD with trauma therapy in Houston Heights and San Antonio Alamo Heights

You have tried to forget about the traumatic event you experienced and move forward in your life, but it's not that easy. You keep reliving your trauma and experiencing the pain over and over again. Sometimes, you even have flashbacks and nightmares that feel so real that you feel like your in the same place you were when the trauma occurred. This leaves you feeling very irritable, anxious, and on-guard. And, it ultimately has made it hard for you to live your life.

Examples of Trauma:

  • accidents

  • systemic racial trauma

  • abandonment

  • childhood abuse or neglect

  • physical or sexual assault

  • grief

  • betrayal, and relationship trauma

These are just a few examples of traumatic experiences. They make us feel like you cannot move beyond the pain, fear, and sadness.

Trauma and PTSD Can Be Debilitating

Every trauma survivor has a unique story, and a unique reaction to what they experienced. Therefore, no two trauma survivors experience the same trauma symptoms. Also, these symptoms may take months or years to show up. But, here is a list of some of the symptoms associated with trauma and PTSD.

Common Reactions to Trauma and Symptoms of PTSD:

Man sitting on floor with head in hands
  • hypervigilance

  • irritability

  • anger and hostility

  • avoidance and isolation

  • extreme anxiety

  • flashbacks and reliving the trauma

  • nightmares

  • loss of interest in life and the things that brought you joy

  • guilt

  • unwanted thoughts and emotions

  • self-harm and suicidal thoughts

Overcoming Trauma is Possible with Trauma Therapy

You may have learned to cope with the trauma through avoidance. These survival techniques have kept you from thinking about what happened to you, and you may not want to give them up. But, you recognize that the tools that helped you survive, typically are not the same tools to help us thrive in life.

The good news is that you don't have to live with these symptoms any longer, we will support you in recovering from your trauma so you can reclaim your life. We know that reaching out for support can feel daunting. You feel like you are reliving the trauma all over again. Our therapists understand and recognize the courage it takes to reach out for help. We have spent our entire counseling careers to learn how to best support you through proven healing methods. Through therapy and a compassionate understanding of trauma, we can offer you support to help you move forward with life. Now, you have someone in your corner rooting for you and supporting you throughout your journey.

Our Approach to Trauma Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR is a unique type of trauma treatment. It is very successful in helping trauma survivors heal from distressing life experiences. Your brain has a natural ability to recover from distress. But, sometimes this recovery process is short-circuited when an experience is so upsetting that you can't stop thinking about it. This memory is held in your body and memory in its original form. This means you reexperience all the sights, sounds, smells, sensations, emotions, and beliefs that were present at the time of the trauma. EMDR works by jumpstarting your brain's natural healing ability through eye movements or taps to dislodge and re-process a painful experience.

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP).

AEDP is a type of trauma treatment that is designed to work with a wide range of individuals. It is especially good for helping people who have experienced trauma tough times in their life. One of the key components of AEDP is helping you fight your sense of aloneness. Your therapist will provide you with a safe haven to discuss what happened to you. This allows you to process your challenging thoughts and emotions so you can heal. AEDP believes that by confronting the things that cause you pain, you're given an opportunity to grow, and develop courage and confidence. A therapist helps you access your unique resources and strengths that you possessed all along but were unable to access due to emotional roadblocks.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

CPT is a short term trauma treatment, lasting only 12 sessions. It can help you challenge and modify your unhelpful thoughts and emotions relating to your trauma. The process allows for a new understanding of what happened. This will help you that move beyond the trauma in a healthy way.

Begin Trauma Therapy in Houston, TX or San Antonio, TX:

You don’t have to live with painful memories of past trauma. It’s possible to take back control of your life with trauma counseling and the help of a caring therapist.

To begin counseling in the Houston Heights or San Antonio's Alamo Heights area, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our therapy clinic and set up your free phone consultation,

  2. Meet with one of our skilled trauma therapists,

  3. Begin trauma therapy and overcome the challenges in your past.