Holiday Activities- Weekend Vibes

With the holidays quickly approaching, there are a variety of activities that you could do around our beautiful city.  During this time of the year, the city seems to be booming with holiday spirit and if adulting has impacted your holiday vibes, hopefully this list of activities will give you that extra boost you need to tackle and enjoy the upcoming holidays.

Activities for Families, Couples and Individuals

Throughout Houston there are neighborhoods that display spectacular Christmas lights.  Driving through neighborhoods, drinking hot chocolate, listening to Christmas music, may be just what you need to kick start your holiday spirit with your partner, friends, the family and children.  The different neighborhoods across the city give you the opportunities to take part in these festivities, no matter what area of town you live in, Christmas shopping in or traveling to.  You could even change it up, and travel to neighborhoods on different nights, as a count down to Christmas.  Continuing with the Christmas lights theme, there are different light shows that occur annually as well.  Zoo Lights is an attraction at our Houston Zoo.  This can be a night out with the kids, family or even a festive date night.  Moody Gardens in Galveston is also having their own Christmas light attraction, as well as elaborate ice sculpting.

In addition to Christmas lights, A Christmas Carol- A Ghost Story of Christmas, is back in action at the Alley Theater.  It is the classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and his journey with three spirits who visit him on Christmas Eve.  A Christmas Carol, is a story with a meaningful message about redemption, growth and the true meanings of the holiday season.  Another weekend activity for all ages is the Nutcracker ballet.  The Nutcracker entertains us with the beautifully constructed sets, costumes and dance.  It is a story of Clara, and her journey to the Land of the Sweets.  The ballet is brimming with holiday spirit, nutcrackers, a mouse king and a sugar plum fairy.  The Nutcracker provides the audience a fun, fantasy fueled Christmas experience.

Staying in can also be a source of comfort, fun and connecting with loved ones.  Light a fire, make yourself some hot chocolate, grab a fuzzy blanket, lay back and relax.  Freeform annually has 25 days of Christmas on television, that plays a variety of Christmas movies every hour.  There are classic Christmas movies shown on Freeform, as well as newer Christmas movies for the children.  Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime also have holiday and Christmas categories to choose from with a wide array of holiday movies.  A list of the top rated Christmas movies to watch are Elf, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, The Nightmare Before Christmas, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Polar Express, Love Actually, and Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.  Whether you are enjoying some self-care time or family time, these movies can be a way to relax, bond and boost the holiday spirit.  Happy festivities! 

If you’re finding it hard to find time for self-care or family this season, contact us to see how work burnout counseling can help.