A Parent's Guide to Turning Morning Chaos into Calm

 Written by Morgan Phelps, M.S., LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor


 Mornings with children can be a rollercoaster ride, with unexpected twists and turns that leave parents feeling overwhelmed and defeated. It also impacts the entire family dynamics, and a lot of energy is spent trying to manage big emotions.  When faced with difficult mornings, it's essential to approach the situation with patience, empathy, and a strategic plan.


1. Rule Out Bullying as a Priority

First and foremost, it's crucial to rule out any underlying issues that may be contributing to your child's difficult mornings. Bullying at school or other social challenges can significantly impact a child's emotional well-being, making mornings particularly tough. Engage in open conversations with your child about their experiences at school and with their peers. Ensure they feel comfortable sharing any issues they might be facing.


2. Check Basic Needs: Ensure Adequate Sleep

One of the primary factors influencing a child's mood and behavior in the morning is the amount of sleep they get. Ensure your child is getting adequate sleep for their age group. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, difficulty with emotional regulation, and increased stress levels. Establish a consistent bedtime routine to promote quality sleep. Limit screen time before bed, create a calming bedtime environment, and ensure your child gets restful sleep. Well-rested children are more likely to face the day with a positive attitude.


3. Prepare the Night Before

To set the stage for a smoother morning, invest time in preparing the night before. Lay out clothes, pack backpacks, and ensure all necessary items are organized and ready to go. Encourage your child to participate in this preparation process. By involving them in tasks like choosing their outfit or packing their backpack, you empower them and instill a sense of responsibility.


4. Create a "Getting Ready in the Morning" Checklist/Poster

Visual reminders can be powerful tools to guide children through their morning routines. Create a checklist or poster that outlines the steps they need to follow each morning. Include tasks such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, packing lunch, and grabbing necessary items for school. Make the checklist colorful and engaging, using images or stickers to represent each task. Children often enjoy creating this and decorating it how they wish. This visual aid serves as a gentle reminder and allows children to take ownership of their morning routine. It also helps them develop a sense of accomplishment as they check off each task.


5. Play Relaxing Music or Let Them Pick Songs

Research shows music has a large impact on mood and can set the tone for the day. Introduce calming and uplifting music into your morning routine to create a more positive atmosphere. You can play soft instrumental music or let your child choose songs they enjoy. This not only adds a fun element to the morning routine but also allows your child to express their preferences and individuality. You can even sequence the songs to correlate with the tasks that need to be done. An example being, playing a particular song when they should be brushing their teeth. Leave room for adjustments and flexibility when needed.


Difficult mornings with children are a common challenge for parents, and you are not alone in this struggle. With thoughtful strategies and the right mood, they can be transformed into more enjoyable experiences for everyone involved. Remember, patience and understanding go a long way in navigating the ups and downs of morning routines with your children. There will be no magic changes over night, but consistency and an empathetic approach can lead to positive changes in your morning chaos calm.

If your child struggles with the transitions that mornings bring, contact us to see if child therapy could help.