Setting Healthy Boundaries- Part 1

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to everything, feeling overwhelmed and drained? You’re not alone. Many of us struggle to balance our responsibilities, relationships, and personal needs. Setting boundaries can be a transformative step toward regaining control and autonomy in our lives. While it might feel daunting, establishing clear boundaries is essential for our mental and emotional well-being.

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Syllabus for Success: Tips for Managing Anxiety Returning to School 

Transitioning from summer back into school mode can be full of emotions. I remember feeling sad that the summer was over, and also excited, overwhelmed, as well as nervous. I didn't know what to expect. It was more intense when I was leaving home for the first time and going off to college. It was the start of something new, and change can be scary sometimes. Whether it is your first year in college, or you are a returning student, these tools may help you to have a successful school year. 

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Life TransitionsAmy Rollo
August Position of the Month: The Spread Eagle Flip

Here to bring some newness to your intimate connection this August, is our #PositionOfTheMonth: The Spread Eagle Flip.  In the journey of maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship, intimacy plays a crucial role.  For couples seeking to deepen their connection, trying new experiences in the bedroom can be both exciting and beneficial.  

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Sex TherapyAmy Rollo
ACT Limit-Setting for Parents

Setting boundaries and consistent limits for children can be challenging!  The ACT Limit-Setting method is a common method implemented in child-centered play therapy and can also be used as a tool for parents. Garry Landreth is the founder of child-centered play and has created this tool to simplify limit-setting.

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Just One Cup of Coffee Please

There is no denying that coffee has been there for us in various moments of dire need in our lives.  Whether it is of cultural importance, a part of daily rituals, waking up early for a class, a late night at the office, or even just getting through the day the matter of fact is that coffee helps. The caffeine in coffee not only assists with alertness and physical energy, but it can also increase the rate of your breathing and heart rate.

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Breaking the Pleaser's Pattern

Are you tired of being stuck on the 'yes' treadmill, craving the freedom to shout 'no'? Many of us have found ourselves swept up in the whirlwind of people-pleasing. Despite its prevalence, people-pleasing is often overlooked and even admired. While the desire for acceptance is natural, excessive people-pleasing can lead to significant emotional challenges.

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The Fear of Falling Behind

Have you ever experienced a sudden sense that you're falling behind in life and that time seems to be speeding past you? Your mind is stuck between where you are and where you thought you should be. You try to talk yourself out of the idea that you would be able to live a more successful life if you only put in more effort and pushed yourself.

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