January Position of the Month: Bend and Blow


Since the Omicron variant is surging all over, you and your partner are likely to be spending a great deal of one-on-one time together.  Add in coming out of the holiday session and the continued covid fatigue, y’all might really be in need of a connecting and tension reliving exercise!  As always, if you or your partner are not feeling well, you might consider delaying sexual engagement.  As a continued healthy sex practice, please wash your hands before and after a sexual experience.  If it helps you both to feel more comfortable, start your shared sexual experience by taking a shower together!  Keep this especially in mind for this month’s highlighted position since it is an oral sex experience; Individuals can often be self-conscious of hygiene when performing or having their partner perform oral sex. 

January’s highlighted position of the month is the Bend and Blow.  While a sexual experience is a time to emotionally connect with one another, it is also a great time to get your blood pumping and release physical energy together.  Remember that a sexual experience will release Oxytocin and other beneficial endorphins that will help you both feel bonded to one another and release stress/tension.  Start any sexual experience by doing some light stretching together to help avoid injuries and/or muscle cramps that might arise during a sexual experience (the most common sexual injury). 

Ideally, you and your partner would try out the Bend and Blow on the floor next to a supportive surface (such as a bed or counter).  The performing partner will sit-up under and behind their partner engaging their core.  The receiving partner will face away from their partner and straddle their lap.  It should work out so that the performing partner’s face is at the same height as the receiving partner’s genitals.  The receiving partner will back up to the performing partner’s face.  The performing partner can then utilize their hands and mouth to perform oral sex on their partner.  The receiving partner can either fold their upper body over and watch their partner perform on them, or they can lean on a supportive surface (bed or counter).   

For the performing partner, this position will work their biceps, abdominals, and hip flexors.  For the partner receiving, this position will work their deltoids and hamstrings.  It is recommended to try this position out for 1 to 5 minutes.  If conscientious of safe sex practices, this is a position that one can easily utilize a condom or dental dam to perform on their partner.

I hope you and your partner are able to carve out some specific time to engage emotionally and sexually with one another.  Plus, you will get to potentially add something new to your sexual repertoire with this new position!  For more information for this specific position (including image) can be found on page 84 of The Kama Sutra Workout, and this book can be purchased from Amazon here.

If you're wanting to improve your physical intimacy a skilled sex therapist or sex coach can help support you and/or your relationship through sex therapy. At Heights Family Counseling, we offer online and in-person counseling in both our Houston Heights and San Antonio Alamo Heights locations. Contact us today.