
Written by Kristin Tallackson, M.A., LPC

Self-reflection. Two words that can seem intriguing, complex, and daunting when put together. Self-reflection is the act of “meditating or thinking about one’s character, actions, and motives”(Webster Dictionary). Reflection allows for growth. Growth happens when we are cognizant of who we are and who we are trying to become. When we can identify where we on our journey, we understand how we got there and what we need to do to get where we want to go. When we are able to identify when you are triggered, avoiding, and escaping we ensure that toxic patterns are broken.

Self-reflection is beneficial and can help improve relationships, increase clarity of thought, and decrease stress. It also aids in decisions making and knowing ones values. Below, you will find questions that will help facilitate a time of self-reflection.


1.     Am I living true to myself?

2.     Am I taking anything for granted?

3.     Am I letting factors out of my control stress me out?

4.     Am I holding onto something I need to let go of? What about this has power?

5.     Have I done anything out of my comfort zone? How did it go?

6.     What have I given up on that I wish I wouldn’t have? What’s stopping me from strting again?

7.     Do I let what others think of me influence my opinions on important matters? Where does that stem from?

8.     What do I value most in life? Do my actions reflect that?

9.     What stops me from confronting people who have hurt me?

10.  Do I have healthy boundaries? With who? How does it impact me if I do/don’t?

11.  What makes me feel content?

12.  What makes me feel uncomfortable?

13.  Do I shy away from speaking up when I know I should? What about the situation/topic stops me?

14.  What is this pain (any emotions) I am feeling? Where did it come from? What is it telling me?

15.  Am I where I want to be? What’s hindering me? Helping me?

If you are struggling with any of these questions, contact us to learn more about how adult therapy could help you.