Posts tagged breathing techniques
Breathing Exercise of the Week!

This week’s breathing exercise is probably the one I employ most frequently in my everyday life. It’s so simple to do (it doesn’t require any facial or body manipulation), and it’s incredibly effective for the moments when I need a little “emergency calm”. If you suffer from any kind of anxiety, this breathing technique can be a great tool for you slow down your heart rate, and calm your body and mind before those stressful feelings of anxiety get out of control.

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Breathing Exercise of the Week!

Summer is south Texas is no picnic! Slogging through triple digit weather almost every day can definitely take its toll, making us hotter, more exhausted, and more irritated that we would ever wish to be! As I’m sure the title of this blog has given away already, one way to combat the adverse effects of this rising heat is through calm and focused breathing. So whether you’re trying to battle the external heat of the sun, or the internal heat of anger and frustration, this breathing exercise can provide the cool-down you’re craving!

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