Posts tagged Houston family counseling
How to Avoid Burnout

I just read an article that noted that the average working mother clocks in 98 hours a week. I actually feel like this number is an underestimate for many of my clients and myself. For instance, I couldn’t help but laugh at my ridiculousness this evening.

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My Lowest Parenting Moment

"When reflecting on my lowest parenting moment, many might be surprised that the time I lost my child in an icy Christmas exhibit did not make the list. Yes, him climbing up an icy slide might have made a viral video, but that moment did not make the list.

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How to Know When Therapy is Right for Your Child?

It can be tough to know when to start therapy for your child. One common misconception of counseling is that there has to be something “wrong” with a person in order for them to go to counseling.

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Surviving Tough Times

Every marriage goes through rough times. In fact, Dr. John Gottman, one of the leading researchers on marital stability and divorce prediction, states that it is actually how you handle incompatibility that predicts marriage success not how compatibleyou are. 

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