Posts tagged play therapy
Understanding and Managing Your Lizard Brain

Learning about the lizard brain can help you and the child in your life deescalate during heated moments. As parents, caregivers, and teachers we can wonder why children have a difficult time managing emotions. However, we often forget that they need to be taught. Just as we have taught them to brush their teeth, ride a bike, and conquer new math problems, we also have to teach them strategies to sit with their emotions and use coping strategies when possible.

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Self-Regulation Activities for Kids

During these tough times, it can be hard for anyone to self-regulate, but especially children. You may have a child who has a ton of energy, so it’s been difficult for your child to burn it all off with staying at home. You may have a child who has been struggling to focus on school work with having to learn online. You may also have a child who struggles with regulating their feelings. How is a child supposed to learn how to regulate?

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Helping Your Child with Back to School Nerves

Starting the new school year is exciting, but it can also be nerve-racking for some children. Anxiety is a complicated for kids so I often use the terms nervousness, worry, fear, or school jitters. The term anxiety also comes with a stigma and many parents do not feel comfortable saying or recognizing that their child has anxiety. This can result in delaying treatment and not getting treatment at all.

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The Power of Pause

I work with children and parents who often have trouble “pausing”. As humans, our first instinct is to react when a situation arises. When our child is not listening to us, our first instinct is to respond with a demand. It usually sounds something like, “If you don’t _____, I will____”. These reactions, in part, are due to time restraints, stress, and a lack of understanding of what our child’s behavior may be indicating.

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“Officer you have to arrest her!” Like most good stories, this one starts with someone suggesting I should be arrested. But before I share this story, let’s talk about how my confidence never waned despite the rather unusual circumstances.

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The Importance of Play!

As a Licensed Professional Counselor who often works with children and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, I firmly believe that children need to have play to teach them how to cope with emotions, develop critical thinking skills, and learn early academics.

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The Aha Moment that Reinforced the Idea to Let Go

I had an aha moment last night. Not one of the ones that make you grin ear to ear, but one of those moments that take your breath away. I’m a mother, and like most mothers, I’m pretty obsessed with my children. However...

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Normalizing Mental Illness, One Cartoon Character at a Time

One of the first statements I often hear is that, "I do not need counseling; nothing is wrong with me!" While this is likely true, and I truly believe that counseling is not for “fixing” a person, but instead providing a safe place to work through life’s difficulties,

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How to Know When Therapy is Right for Your Child?

It can be tough to know when to start therapy for your child. One common misconception of counseling is that there has to be something “wrong” with a person in order for them to go to counseling.

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