Posts tagged Adult Counseling in Houston
The Therapeutic Relationship

The therapeutic relationship is one of my favorite topics to discuss. Why? Because of the impact that it has on the outcome of therapy. It is also referred to as the therapeutic alliance, working alliance, and the therapeutic bond. The therapeutic relationship is a special bond, or connection, that develops between the therapist and the client over a period of time.

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Best Version of You?!?

I was taking an online spin class this evening, and the instructor yelled “be the best version of you!” Being the counselor that I am, I immediately drifted off into “what the heck is the best version of me?” After sweating for another 20 minutes, cursing at the onscreen instructor for making me work more than I was wanting tonight, and then feeling the endorphins kick in, I realized what my best version was.

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Resiliency- Discovering Our Strengths in Our Toughest Times

I open my back door after the World Series win to let my dog out, only to hear honking, excited yelling in the streets, and an overall feeling of ecstasy in the city. I smiled to myself and thought, “we did it!”

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Discovering Values in the Pursuit of Meaning

Defining values is one of the most critical parts to growth, as well as the counseling experience. It seems impossible to find your own meaning and purpose in life if you don’t know what you truly value.

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How to Conquer Mom Guilt!

Mom guilt, let’s talk about it! As a counselor who often works with both children and adults, this subject comes up often. Every parent who enters my office after their child has been seen has a look of anxiety.

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