Posts tagged adult counseling in the heights
August Position of the Month: The G-Whiz from our Sex Therapist

August’s position of the month, the G-Whiz, is taken from the Men’s Health Magazine’s article: 45 Sex Positions that Every Man Should Know (I highly recommend checking out this article and the other 44 positions).  This position is a perfect way to increase the heat between you and your partner – the two of you might be able to match the heat outside!

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Discovering the New Normal After Children

I was recently asked, “When does life start to feel more normal after having children, and when will I begin to start feeling like myself again?” It’s such a typical question, yet I was unsure how to respond. In truth, the answer is “never,” but when you are in the newborn trenches that answer can be difficult to hear.

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I’m done with I’m Sorry

Like many individuals, I spent my 20s and younger 30s “finding myself.” It was a time of growth and self-reflection. During this time, I realized that life was too short to hang on to anger and negativity. Subsequently, I am now quick to apologize. However, this quickness to mend relationships caused an instinct to always mutter “I’m sorry” at everything. I think it hit a new low when I was on a girl’s trip.

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How do you self-care?

Self-care is yes, taking care of oneself, but it goes deeper than that. It is being intentional about taking care of oneself, emotionally and physically. It is listening to what your body is telling you. Sometimes, amidst our busy lives, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs and forget our own needs.

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Resilient Therapy

f you are part of the human race, it means that you have struggled with self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-doubt at some point in your life. Many of us have had questions, such as “Am I enough,” “Am I good enough,” “do people even like me,” or “why do things seem so much more difficult for me?” Resilient based counseling uses a variety of techniques with the basic principle that the client has the strength and expertise to solve their own problems.

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Common Mistakes you can Make with Your New Year's Resolutions

I freaking love the positivity that comes with a new year. The counselor in me starts getting really happy reading on social media all the plans to make and keep goals, live with intention, and make this year truly count. I can truly feel the enthusiasm people have when discussing what they want their new year to look like. However, life has a way of wearing us down to where we forget this enthusiasm. Read some common pitfalls we can make in the new year and how to avoid them.

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Staying on Track this New Years

I don’t know about you guys, but I have made some indulgences as of late, and frequently noted “I can’t wait to get back on track after the new year!” I have stated more than once about wanting to get back on a work-out, eat right, have a consistent work schedule, and improve my self-care routine. Let’s face it, the holidays get all of us off track! It’s pretty common to want self-improvement in the new year, but not everyone is able to succeed in their goals.

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Top 5 Things Your Psychotherapist Probably Has Learned or Thought, but Doesn’t Say

15 years later, and I have much more clarity into my counseling role, people’s strength and resiliency, and the field of counseling. I realized that I am not the agent for change, but instead am here to provide support, guidance, and unconditional acceptance along the way. You see, I learned that people are incredibly strong and insightful. 

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We get ya, parents. We get ya, children.

Tonight I was asked to do a talk on Developmental Coordination Disorders and the impact on academics, behavior, and emotional functioning at an ADDA-SR Parent Support Group. I love talking all things to do with learning disabilities, AD/HD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, etc. 

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Resiliency- Discovering Our Strengths in Our Toughest Times

I open my back door after the World Series win to let my dog out, only to hear honking, excited yelling in the streets, and an overall feeling of ecstasy in the city. I smiled to myself and thought, “we did it!”

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Discovering Values in the Pursuit of Meaning

Defining values is one of the most critical parts to growth, as well as the counseling experience. It seems impossible to find your own meaning and purpose in life if you don’t know what you truly value.

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Finding Balance in Our Thoughts

The world is not really full of extremes, such as “good people” and “bad people.” Yet somehow people tend to think of things in a very polarized manner.

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