Posts tagged play therapist in the heights
Helping Children Cope With Grief

It was 20 years ago this month that my grandfather passed away. This was my first experience with death and the dying process. I was 12 years old, and I still remember the feelings I felt to the news that he passed away… extreme sadness, shock, anger, worry, confusion, etc. Those are a lot of feelings for any child to experience all at once.

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Developmental Regression in Children During the COVID Pandemic

Since life changed in March, you may have noticed your child having more potty accidents, thumb sucking, or drinking from a bottle when your child has not done these things in years. Your child may also have more tantrums and appear clingy as well. It can feel confusing as a parent as to why this is happening and what to do about it.

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Talking to Your Children About Race

If you have not talked with your children about race, now is the time. The topic can be sensitive, enlightening, and uncomfortable, but it is imperative to create a dialogue for the ones that will soon run this world, and hopefully, make it a more inclusive and peaceful one. It may be difficult to know how to start the conversation. Here’s how:

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Using Literature to Initiate Conversations About Race with Kids

This message is for anyone that interacts with little ones, not just parents. Teachers, principals, babysitters, coaches, aunts, uncles, mentors of any kind, I am talking to you. Kids are always watching and judging your behaviors. They look to you for personal acceptance and guidance on how to treat others. They need you to validate their confusing experience and help regulate their scared and anxious emotions. When it comes to race, do not wait for kids to bring it up.

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Bibliotherapy- Expected and Unexpected Behaviors

During this time, you may notice an increase in tantrums, yelling and fighting between siblings. Changing the way we view behavior is an important step in positive parenting. Children use behavior to communicate when they cannot articulate what they are feeling. As parents, we can often find ourselves using language such as “you’re being good” or “stop being bad”.

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Parenting During a Pandemic

Now being in almost week seven of quarantine, who wishes there was a book on parenting during a pandemic?? This is all not normal, but it is our new normal for now. I know limiting screen time has gone out the window in many households, so parents can have a break or work from home.

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How To Talk With Your Children About the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Chances are your children have heard about the coronavirus somehow, whether they overheard it on the news, they heard about it from other children, or they overheard adults talking about it. When adults present anxiety about the coronavirus, children will definitely pick up on the anxiety.

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Understanding Attachments

You may have heard of attachment theory before and if you’ve ever had a general psychology class, you may be aware of the infamous Bowlby and Ainsworth experiments. For those of us that are newer to the theory, no worries. This blog will give a basic understanding of attachment styles and how they impact our relationships.

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Navigating Difficult Relationships

Now that the school year is underway and the first day nerves are wearing off, your child is meeting new peers, making new friends, and seeing friends that they didn’t see all summer. Sometimes meeting new people goes just like we want it to.

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Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

You start working with a new therapist and she says that she will be utilizing TBRI with your child. What exactly does she mean? TBRI or Trust Based Relational Intervention was developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross. It is a holistic, evidence based, and developmentally respectful practice that meets the needs of the whole child (Atchley, 2019).

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Enuresis, also known as bed-wetting, is an elimination disorder common in children that can occur both involuntarily and intentionally. Approximately 5 to 7 million children experience bed-wetting (Baird, Seehusen, and Bode, 2014). Dr. Kimberly Levitt reported that bed-wetting is twice as likely to occur in boys, is more common in children with a family history of bed-wetting, and children with ADHD are more likely to experience bed-wetting (2018). There are three types of enuresis:

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Hurricane Harvey: A Year Later

As we come upon the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, we may experience a multitude of emotions. Some may feel a sense of relief that the hardship of the flood is over as they move back into their homes and continue with daily life tasks. However, others of us may still sense the emotional turmoil that Hurricane Harvey left us with.

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