Posts tagged Teen counseling 77007
How to Pick a Therapist for Your Teenager

I can remember it like it was yesterday. The awkward silence. The “I am not really sure why I am here.” And the thoughts of, “can I really trust this person?” I wasn’t sure what to say, so I casually noted her nails and asked about her manicure. We had awkward banter for 10 minutes about her nails, and before I knew it I was in a waiting room, and my father was in her office.

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Resilient Therapy

f you are part of the human race, it means that you have struggled with self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-doubt at some point in your life. Many of us have had questions, such as “Am I enough,” “Am I good enough,” “do people even like me,” or “why do things seem so much more difficult for me?” Resilient based counseling uses a variety of techniques with the basic principle that the client has the strength and expertise to solve their own problems.

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Discovering Values in the Pursuit of Meaning

Defining values is one of the most critical parts to growth, as well as the counseling experience. It seems impossible to find your own meaning and purpose in life if you don’t know what you truly value.

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The Importance of Play!

As a Licensed Professional Counselor who often works with children and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, I firmly believe that children need to have play to teach them how to cope with emotions, develop critical thinking skills, and learn early academics.

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Finding Balance in Our Thoughts

The world is not really full of extremes, such as “good people” and “bad people.” Yet somehow people tend to think of things in a very polarized manner.

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How to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Your Child

Recent studies have shown that emotional intelligence can be almost as important as IQ in predicting a person’s success in life. The good news is that while traditional IQ it is thought to be consistent and stable throughout a person’s lifespan...

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