Dating Reimagined

Hey single folks! How’s your dating life?

Are you meeting people who hold your interest?

Inspire you?

Comfort you?

Excite you?

Are you dating people who get you?

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The Post-Holiday Blahs

The radio is no longer blasting holiday music round the clock, the stores have swept up the tinsel, and a few lonely strands of lights on a neighbor’s roof remind us that ‘tis no longer the season to be merry and bright. We spend the fall rushing about, preparing to feast and have fellowship, and the winter decorating, gifting, and ushering in a New Year. And then what?

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Out with the Family: Surviving the Holidays Being LGBTQ+

The holiday season can be a joyous season full of love and warmth, but it can also be a time of great sadness, isolation, pain, and conflict. Not only do many members of the LGBTQ+ community have various forms of religious trauma due to shame, exclusion, and harassment that can manifest around the holiday season, but we also may have to encounter either close or distant family members who may not be affirming, or even hostile towards our gender or sexual identities. Navigating these situations can be extremely stressful, traumatizing, and potentially hostile. Let’s explore some ways to make the most out of some of these potentially unsafe situations.

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December’s Position of the Month: Benchwarmer

December’s highlighted position of the month is the Benchwarmer. With COVID variants continuing to spread and the holiday season now in full swing, please keep healthy sex practices in mind! Remain cognizant to wash your hands (and use the restroom) before and after a sexual experience. Remember, a healthy and sensual way to start a sexual experience is to take a shower together.

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Podcast Episodes to Check Out this Month

Hey, y’all! This is the second installment of my ongoing series where I get to share my love of podcasts and mental health awareness!

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November’s Position of the Month: Reinventing the Wheel

November’s highlighted position of the month is the Reinventing the Wheel. With COVID variants continuing to spread and the holiday season quickly approaching, please keep healthy sex practices in mind! Remain cognizant to wash your hands (and use the restroom) before and after a sexual experience.

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Understanding Trauma and Its Involvement in Our Lives 

I’m sure we can all reflect upon the times that we fell as kids and scraped our knees or elbows, forming open wounds on our bodies. As the wounds began to heal, the wounds tend to leave scars as subtle reminders of the tumbles we once took.

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Self-Care: How Can You Pour From an Empty Cup?

Self-care. Had a hard week at work? I’m going to have a glass of wine. Self-care. Long day, and overly exhausted? I’m going to take a bath. Self-care. Feeling overwhelmed and just need to check out for a little while? I’m going to sit outside and read today. Self-care.

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Addressing Insecurities in Relationships

Insecurities. We all have them. Insecurity simply means the feeling of uncertainty. These feelings of uncertainty can manifest themselves in the physical form as well as emotional uncertainty.

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Ask the Expert: Therapists Weigh in on Signs and Symptoms of Depression

2020 brought tremendous change in how we live, congregate, and work. It’s no wonder that we are seeing an increase in depression. Depression can often be misunderstood.

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How Can Positivity Be Toxic?!?

When someone confides in us and explains that they are having a tough go of things, it is natural for us to want to change their circumstance and switch their frame of thought. You’re sad? Let’s work on being happy! You’re upset? Turn that frown upside down! What’s so wrong with that?

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Understanding the Relationship Between Addiction and Mental Health

I have overheard the conversation of whether or not addiction is truly a disease or if it is a choice honestly too many times to count. The idea is that you have physical control over your ability to pick up a habit that can lead to addiction so therefore, it was the person's choice and the decisions that those people make following their addiction are a direct result of the initial choice that they made to engage in whatever habit they picked up. It sounds super simple.

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