One Therapist’s Favorite Ways to Beat Anxiety

Truth be told, I am not one to listen to music on my drive home from the office. I avoid making phone calls unless I’m notifying my husband of a place to meet or quickly checking in on any errands needed before heading home. Even so, I often try to get these calls completed before I shift into drive. I purposefully do this so that I can use my drive home to reflect on the stressful parts of my day and self-regulate.

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Recognizing Red Flags and Green Flags in a Relationship

While dating, we are often told we will “just know” when a partner(s) is right for us. We are taught to trust our gut and look for personality characteristics such as kindness, intelligence, humor, trustworthiness, and friendliness.

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September Position of the Month: Vertical Love Lift

September’s highlighted position of the month is the Vertical Love Lift.

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August Position of the Month: Down and Dizzy

August’s highlighted position of the month is the Down and Dizzy. As usual, it is recommended that if you or your partner are not feeling well, you might consider delaying sexual engagement until both of you are feeling up to par! And, as a continued healthy sex practice, please wash your hands before and after a sexual experience. If it helps you both to feel more comfortable and in the mood, start your shared sexual experience by taking a shower together.

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The Components of a Genuine Apology

Even if you haven’t seen the classic 1970’s romance flick Love Story, the odds are pretty good that you’ve heard it’s most famous line: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

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Mindfulness Check-In

Maybe you think that mindfulness is a “woo-woo” activity and not for you? What if I told you that there is scientific evidence that shows that the practice of mindfulness can decrease anxiety, stress, and symptoms of depression? A mindfulness practice can lead to new neural pathway development that can help us to feel more connected with ourselves and with our bodies. There is a positive correlation between mindfulness practice and the growth of compassion

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July Position of the Month: Girl Power

While a sexual experience can definitely aid in feeling emotionally connected with one another, it is also a great time to get your blood pumping and release physical energy together. Remember that a sexual experience will release Oxytocin and other beneficial endorphins that will help you both feel bonded to one another and release stress/tension.

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I Will Be a Success When….

Begin to work toward being the person that you want to be. Be a patient observer of your life. When you think or behave contrary to your identified value- Notice. Ask yourself, is this working toward the person I want to be or taking me in another direction. Redirect- change your behavior to reflect your identified and valued self.

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Let’s Talk About Sex: How to Communicate with Your Partner(s)

On the outside, talking about sex with our romantic partner(s) appears as if it should be easier. We’re consenting adults, we should know what to do, right? Communicating our boundaries and desires related to sex can actually be very difficult. Sex is not a topic that is openly discussed, especially if it is about an area of sex that has been deemed as not socially acceptable to share with others such as kinks, fantasies, and desires.

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At Home Exercises for Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety affects more than forty million Americans. The number continues to rise as we are still having to navigate pandemic related challenges and other various threats each day. When comparing 2019 to 2021, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the number of people reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression skyrocketed by 270 percent!

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Top 10 Reads of 2021

As I revisited my 2021 reading list, some pretty distinct themes emerged: relationships, attachment, personal value, and self-compassion. I didn’t intentionally seek out books with these subjects in mind, but what I read tends to follow my day-to-day work as a therapist.

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