Posts tagged Child counseling in the heights
Play Therapy and Child Mental Health

Has your child ever sat down on the couch to discuss their feelings and concerns with you? Most likely, the answer is no. Many children do not have the verbal capability to do so, however, children can communicate their concerns and feelings through play. Play is a child’s language. Children can learn and develop through play, but children can express themselves and relieve anxiety and stress as well.

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Developmental Regression in Children During the COVID Pandemic

Since life changed in March, you may have noticed your child having more potty accidents, thumb sucking, or drinking from a bottle when your child has not done these things in years. Your child may also have more tantrums and appear clingy as well. It can feel confusing as a parent as to why this is happening and what to do about it.

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Mindful Sundays for kids

noticed a few years ago that a bit of tension stays with me on Sundays. I might be a bit shorter in my responses with my husband, feel a bit more tension in my body, or a bit of dread in my body. It’s funny that I feel this way every Sunday because I love my job. I created my job, and I’m my own boss, but even I am susceptible to Sunday Scaries.

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