Posts tagged michele dial
Navigating The Uncharted Waters of COVID-19  

No doubt, we are all experiencing various levels of unease during this time of uncertainty. Many of our fears and worries are grounded in gravity of the health concerns rippling across the globe. Honestly, it’s a scary time for all of us. If you happen to be someone who already struggles with mental health issues, this worldwide experience could have an overwhelming impact.

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Anxiety Tool Kit – Body, Mind, Spirit: Part II: Mind

Remember that scenario from Part I of the Anxiety Tool Kit series last month? It’s the end of a busy day and you crawl into bed, ready for some serious ZZZ’s, but you can’t fall asleep because your mind gets flooded with a million little worries, and some big ones, too?

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Date Night: Make It A Priority

According to John Gottman, PhD, researcher and couples therapist extraordinaire, date night is an essential pillar in healthy relationships. It may be easy to write this practice off as frivolous and unnecessary, but it’s neither. Date Night is about quality time spent connecting to one another through relaxation, play, and focused attention.

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