Posts in Depression Treatment
Finding Happiness Through Gratitude

This is a time I would normally panic; my thoughts would go in a negative spiral, and I would make this about a flaw in my character instead of realizing it was just a bad situation, i.e. “I’m not good enough because I can’t make appointments on time.” Yet, something was different this time; this time I felt intense gratitude. I acknowledged my feelings, “Yup, this kind of sucks,” then I acknowledged there was nothing I can do about it, “my stressing will not magically clear the freeway.” I then did something I tell my clients to do, I took an action that was the opposite of my feeling

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Finding Balance in Our Thoughts

The world is not really full of extremes, such as “good people” and “bad people.” Yet somehow people tend to think of things in a very polarized manner.

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Normalizing Mental Illness, One Cartoon Character at a Time

One of the first statements I often hear is that, "I do not need counseling; nothing is wrong with me!" While this is likely true, and I truly believe that counseling is not for “fixing” a person, but instead providing a safe place to work through life’s difficulties,

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