Posts tagged journaling
Life S.A.V.E.R.S.

Hal Elrod is the creator of the Miracle Morning, a practice he developed to take control of his life one day at a time. Elrod is no stranger to struggle. He has survived a near-fatal auto accident complete with a year-long recovery and crippling financial loss, twice. To rebound from the devastating impact of his life experiences and course correct, he began studying the habits of successful people and created a morning regimen that touches several facets of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

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Monthly Check-Ins

As many of us start the new year, we reflect on the previous year and formulate new goals and intentions for the year. Many will set weight loss and financial goals. This year, I challenge you to sit with compassion for yourself and give yourself little reminders of how each month was.

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How do you self-care?

Self-care is yes, taking care of oneself, but it goes deeper than that. It is being intentional about taking care of oneself, emotionally and physically. It is listening to what your body is telling you. Sometimes, amidst our busy lives, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs and forget our own needs.

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Practicing Gratefulness In-order to Transform Your Life and Brain

I recently attended a fascinating conference discussing the neuroplasticity of the brain. Ok, I know, things suddenly got boring when I tossed around the big fancy medical term. However, despite the boring medical term, the concept was pretty interesting! 

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