Healthy Communication: ARC Statements

Improving communication skills is one of the most common goals for individuals and couples seeking therapy. Interpersonal skills are essential in all aspects of our lives- work and career, friendships, romantic relationships, and parenting.

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Take a Hike

As I’m writing this, I am currently letting my body recover from a long hike with a group of strangers. On this hike, I couldn’t help but think of how great hiking makes my mental space feel. Of course, we all know that exercise is beneficial to us, but I think hiking takes it to another level. Let’s start with the fact that it’s outside. We know from research that getting sunlight (vitamin D) can help boost serotonin, which is that oh so coveted feel-good hormone.

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What to Expect When it’s Hard to Expect: A Peak Into the Emotions of Infertility  

If you are going through infertility and fertility treatments, you have likely experienced a range of confusing emotions and wondered if it’s normal. You’re not alone. In some ways, it can feel lonely and isolating. Others may feel uncomfortable talking to you about it, or vice versa. It may be consuming your thoughts, or you may be avoiding thinking about it at all costs. The ups and downs can be disorienting. My hope is to normalize some of these emotions and send some comfort your way.

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Manejar el estrés durante vacaciones

• El estrés es normal. Es la reaccion natural en respuesta a un desafio fisico y emocional. Sin embargo, si su estrés impide su funcionamiento diario entonces es una señal de que debes comenzar a cuidarse.

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The Kids Didn’t Ask For A Divorce

In 2015, I became a stepmom. I wasn’t looking to join a blended family, but finding them has been a bonus and a blessing. The man who captured my heart has two phenomenal children from his first marriage. We dated six months or so before I met the kiddos, who were 8 and 10 years old at the time.

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Give the Gift of Calm- Creating a Calming Corner

Being able to calm oneself is a learned skill. As caregivers, we may forget that the ability to regulate is a skill that is modeled and taught. Just as we teach our children to count, read, and tie their shoes, we must also teach them the skills to self-regulate. We all have different ways of regulating when our emotions run over. Maybe it’s a walk through the park, a few deep breaths, or smelling your favorite lotion as you put it on.

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December Position of the Month: Come Out on Top

It’s the final month of 2022, so it only seems right for the highlighted position-of-the-month to be the Come Out on Top.

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What the Heck is Sex Coaching? Part Two

Last year, I wrote a blog called, “What the Heck is Sex Coaching?” introducing a form of coaching that addresses sexual health and relationship concerns. As a clinical certified sexologist, I wanted to reintroduce the sex coaching services that Heights Family Counseling has to offer.

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The Anti-Dating Blog

I’m 40, single, and a couples therapist. And I date as much or as little as I want. I’m sometimes in committed relationships or exclusively dating one person.

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November Position of the Month: Sunny Side Up

November’s highlighted position of the month is the Sunny Side Up. As we bee-line straight for the holiday season, here is your friendly reminder to prioritize some much-needed time for physical and emotional intimacy with your partner(s).

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Brief Meditation for Chronic Pain

When I first started my journey with mindfulness and meditation 7-ish years ago, I struggled the most with body scan meditations. In a typical session, the instructor would ask us to mentally scan our bodies and try and distinguish any particular areas which might be holding on to pain or tension. We were asked to then pay special attention to these areas throughout the practice in the hope that we could direct our mindful energy towards healing and relieving these aches. As someone with chronic pain, this exercise was a nightmare for me.

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October Position of the Month: A Tight Hold

October’s highlighted position of the month is the A Tight Hold.

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