I’m quite sure my daughter and I were quite the sight at the park today. I believe my daughter was wearing her big brother’s sweater, dinosaur pants, and wild hair- she dressed herself. You see, two year olds with an independent spirit, grow up to be adults with an independent spirit.
Read MoreI recently attended a fascinating conference discussing the neuroplasticity of the brain. Ok, I know, things suddenly got boring when I tossed around the big fancy medical term. However, despite the boring medical term, the concept was pretty interesting!
Read MoreTonight I was asked to do a talk on Developmental Coordination Disorders and the impact on academics, behavior, and emotional functioning at an ADDA-SR Parent Support Group. I love talking all things to do with learning disabilities, AD/HD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, etc.
Read MoreTeenagers are dealing with more stress and anxiety than ever before. Yes, this has been said before, but as a counselor who specializes in working with adolescents, I can confirm that teen stress appears higher than it was a decade ago.
Read MoreWhen I talk to my clients about cognitive reframing, thought stopping, mindfulness, and intentional acts of positivity, I sometimes get questions of “but how does this really work?
Read More“How do you stop a tantrum?” I feel like Google probably responds to this question a million times a day. As a counselor who often works with children, working on behavioral and emotional regulation is often the number one goal of treatment.
Read MoreIf I said the words “magic ratio” or “5 to 1” would you instantly know what I was referring to? For most, the answer is no. However, us marriage counselors, this ratio means something important. In fact, it is a clue or formula to how to have a happy marriage/relationship.
Read MoreI open my back door after the World Series win to let my dog out, only to hear honking, excited yelling in the streets, and an overall feeling of ecstasy in the city. I smiled to myself and thought, “we did it!”
Read MoreDefining values is one of the most critical parts to growth, as well as the counseling experience. It seems impossible to find your own meaning and purpose in life if you don’t know what you truly value.
Read MoreAs a Licensed Professional Counselor who often works with children and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, I firmly believe that children need to have play to teach them how to cope with emotions, develop critical thinking skills, and learn early academics.
Read MoreThe world is not really full of extremes, such as “good people” and “bad people.” Yet somehow people tend to think of things in a very polarized manner.
Read MoreRecent studies have shown that emotional intelligence can be almost as important as IQ in predicting a person’s success in life. The good news is that while traditional IQ it is thought to be consistent and stable throughout a person’s lifespan...
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