Like many individuals, I spent my 20s and younger 30s “finding myself.” It was a time of growth and self-reflection. During this time, I realized that life was too short to hang on to anger and negativity. Subsequently, I am now quick to apologize. However, this quickness to mend relationships caused an instinct to always mutter “I’m sorry” at everything. I think it hit a new low when I was on a girl’s trip.
Read MoreMDD stands for Major Depressive Disorder or depression as most of us know it. Depression causes symptoms including sleep and appetite disturbance, loss of pleasure in activities, poor motivation, poor energy, irritability, isolation, feeling slowed down or sluggish, and potentially thoughts of death or suicide. MDD may occur as a single episode, or for some the symptoms may be recurrent. Depression may happen with or without a specific cause. For instance, depression can follow trauma, life changes, or injuries to the brain. Additionally, MDD tends to have a genetic link.
Read MoreEnding a relationship is something that causes many to enter counseling. What happens when the person you normally would go to for support and relief, is now the person that is causing these negative feelings? How do you learn how to function without this support in your life? These are the questions that I witness daily.
Read MoreI specialize in working with couples, parents, and children, so Love Languages often come up in therapeutic conversations. Many of my couples come into session already knowing what their love language is and hoping to discuss it. We often make goals of intentionally trying to show love through their partner’s love language. It had me thinking, though, do children have a preference on how love is expressed? Alternatively, does their parent’s love language impact their preferences in the future. From my experience, both of these theories are likely true.
Read MoreI once read that “being busy is a choice.” A part of me yelled, “truth,” but another part of me thought “well you don’t really get my life.” I thought do you really understand what it is like being a mother of 2 young children, do you know what it is like being a working mother, and do you get what it takes to balance career, educational goals, and parenthood. I then paused and reflected, “well I guess those aspirations were my choice.” I love my choices and the many hats that I wear. My struggle with business is not unique. In fact, many of my clients struggle with similar difficulties. I feel my empathy pour out for them, when I hear stories similar to mine.
Read MoreThe therapeutic relationship is one of my favorite topics to discuss. Why? Because of the impact that it has on the outcome of therapy. It is also referred to as the therapeutic alliance, working alliance, and the therapeutic bond. The therapeutic relationship is a special bond, or connection, that develops between the therapist and the client over a period of time.
Read MoreHey mommas, you got this.
You struggle,
You are exhausted.
Sometimes you feel like you don’t even like this,
The guilt sinks in.
You wonder am I even enough.
Hey mommas, you got.
Read MoreSince the final installment of the 50 Shades trilogy has been released, 50 Shades Freed, I thought that I would share some of my personal and professional views about the trilogy. I understand that the release of the books and movies provided many people with a new desire for passion within their relationship. Many people discovered that they were very turned on by the idea of having a dominating sexual partner and/or interested in trying out different kinky behavior. Being a very sex positive person, I think this was a great aspect of the resulting frenzy created by 50 Shades.
Read MoreI have been wanting to create a blog series promoting a different sexual position each month. I thought this would be an interesting way to help bring some creative fun to our audiences’ sexual lives. If nothing else, trying some of these with a partner might provide a good laugh! As many of you are aware, Heights Family Counseling is an all-inclusive counseling practice, so there will be months that I will share heteronormative positions, but there will also be months that I share information regarding positions specifically meant for other sexual lifestyles. I am very excited to bring this series to you all. I hope you enjoy trying these positions out - let the fun begin!
Read MoreWe have all felt guilt and shame before, but do you know the different between the two? Before attending a seminar on guilt, shame, and resilience, (given by Allison Marek LCSW, CDWF and inspired by Brené Brown’s research on shame, vulnerability and connection), I do not think that I would have been able to accurately describe the difference between guilt and shame. After the seminar I felt enlightened by what I had learned. Here is what I took away from it and I hope that you can take something away from it as well.
Read MoreSelf-care is yes, taking care of oneself, but it goes deeper than that. It is being intentional about taking care of oneself, emotionally and physically. It is listening to what your body is telling you. Sometimes, amidst our busy lives, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else needs and forget our own needs.
Read MoreI’ve been sharing some of my thoughts as they pop up the past week or two on the Heights Family Counseling Twitter: “Relax, you don’t need all the answers all at once. You’ll get there with time. ~Amy- my own self-soothing thoughts today” or “Just breathe. Everything is going to be okay. You got this; you've survived 100 % of bad days before. ~Amy- because sometimes we need to hear what our brain doesn't always tell us!”
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