Lasting ways to connect with your partner this Valentine’s Day!

As Valentine’s Day soon approaches, the National Retail Federation expects that holiday spending will exceed $18.2 billion for the United States.  This means that on average each individual will be spending around $135!  If you are anything like me, this seems like a whooping number, especially when you take into consideration that this is likely being spent by two people in a relationship – that’s a total of $270!  In light of this information, I wanted to share with you all some ways to connect with your partner that do not cost near this much money!

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How an Evaluation Allows for your Child to be Seen Fully!

An evaluation has an even bigger opportunity for your child to be seen fully. Sure, your child might struggle to read and write, but their creativity is off the charts! Or, social communication is a challenge, but your child connects on his level by sharing all the facts he knows about his friends’ interests. AD/HD might be a diagnosis that helps your child channel all of his energy into a sport. These are the things that I see during an evaluation.

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 Consent in the age of #Metoo

As a person, a woman, and a sex therapist who spends a great deal of her professional and personal life validating the feelings of others, I was saddened, frustrated, and disappointed to read a recent article regarding a woman’s terrible experience while on a date with comedian, Aziz Ansari. 

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“Officer you have to arrest her!” Like most good stories, this one starts with someone suggesting I should be arrested. But before I share this story, let’s talk about how my confidence never waned despite the rather unusual circumstances.

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Can an app enhance communication and sexual pleasure with your partner?

I read an article earlier this week about a survey that was conducted in 2013 by Princeton on American’s use of the internet.  This survey found that 25% of the sampled couples reported that their partner’s phone had been a distraction while spending time together.  When I read this article, I immediately began to think about the implications of these findings and how knowing this information could help to create change for couples. 

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Why a Pause Actually Creates Growth in Your Life

I’ve learned throughout my years as a counselor and boss that people hate change. In fact, people loathe change. There is something that is part of our human experience that makes us resistant or hesitant to the change experience.

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New Year, New Ways to Connect

At the beginning of every year, advertisers push the “New Year, New You” slogan to sell a myriad of different things that are often forgotten by the start of spring.  What if this year you set a new intention that would benefit yourself, your relationship, and your partner? What if this year your intention is to prioritize the way in which you sexually connect with your partner? 

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Teens' Social Media Use!

Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook… So now you know the major social media platforms, but now what? Many parents come in my office confused about their adolescent’s social media us. Questions such as, “Is it okay for them?” “Is it hurting them?” “Should you be monitoring their use?” are frequently asked. Well the short answer is “yes” for all of the questions, but the long answer is a bit more complicated.

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Resilient Therapy

f you are part of the human race, it means that you have struggled with self-esteem, self-compassion, and self-doubt at some point in your life. Many of us have had questions, such as “Am I enough,” “Am I good enough,” “do people even like me,” or “why do things seem so much more difficult for me?” Resilient based counseling uses a variety of techniques with the basic principle that the client has the strength and expertise to solve their own problems.

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Common Mistakes you can Make with Your New Year's Resolutions

I freaking love the positivity that comes with a new year. The counselor in me starts getting really happy reading on social media all the plans to make and keep goals, live with intention, and make this year truly count. I can truly feel the enthusiasm people have when discussing what they want their new year to look like. However, life has a way of wearing us down to where we forget this enthusiasm. Read some common pitfalls we can make in the new year and how to avoid them.

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Play Therapy, the Science Behind it!

“So do you really ‘play’ with my child the whole session?” This is a question I hear often. The short answer is “YES!” The long answer is that play therapy is extremely research based and one of the best interventions for young children. Bonus points for me for getting to play for 50 minutes! Read the research and science behind play therapy!

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My Selfish Experiment

I embarked on a journey in 2017. A journey that I didn’t even tell my closest friends about. I declared to my husband on New Year’s Eve last year that this was a “me year.” I unapologetically said I was going to be “selfish” this year. You see, my life previously was very similar to many parents out there. Constantly thinking of everyone else, putting my children before me, putting my husband before me, and putting my job before me. I was exhausted, unhappy with life, and in a state of constant exhaustion.

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