Suicide: How to Help

Suicide took 47,173 lives in 2017 (CDC, 2018). It took away our wives, husbands, children, friends, and beloved family members. It took doctors, teachers, and famed celebrities. Suicide does not discriminate and is no respecter of person. It is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and has seen a steady increase since the year 2000.

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Life Lessons from Piper the Pup

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at my girl Piper and marveled at her perspective on life, at least as I perceive it. I often think she has it all together and I could learn a thing or two from her. After all, her life is pretty simple and pretty fulfilled. She’s not nearly as stretched out or stressed out as I get sometimes. So, with New Year’s resolutions right around the corner, this year I’m taking my cues from Piper. Make sure to scroll to the bottom to see all of Piper’s photos!

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January 2019 Position from Our Sex Therapist: The Firecracker

With many people having celebrated the new year earlier this week with firecrackers, this month’s featured position of the month is The Firecracker!  As a heads up, this position might be a bit tricky to get into, so you and your partner might find it helpful to talk about this position beforehand.

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Regression to the Mean

For some this has been a great year, and you might be hoping to continue riding that wave into 2019.  For others, this has been a hellacious year, and you might be holding onto the idea that a new year around the corner is representative of a new beginning. 

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Holiday Expectations

For many people, this weekend is the beginning of the holiday craziness, and for some the holiday craziness started weeks ago and is still in full swing.  With so many people having family in visiting or traveling to visit with family over the next couple of weeks, I think it is important for couples to talk about their expectations for the holidays to help remain connected and understanding with one another. 

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100 Coping Strategies

In the heat of the moment we often forget the coping mechanisms we learn in therapy. It's easy to forget to pause and take a deep breath. I wanted to give you this list to help you in those moments where taking a deep breath just doesn't do the trick. Here are a 100 coping strategies to choose from. Enjoy! 

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Holiday Activities- Weekend Vibes

With the holidays quickly approaching, there are a variety of activities that you could do around our beautiful city.  During this time of the year, the city seems to be booming with holiday spirit and if adulting has impacted your holiday vibes, hopefully this list of activities will give you that extra boost you need to tackle and enjoy the upcoming holidays.

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Executive Function: Impulse Control   

Executive function refers to a group of mental skills responsible for getting things done. These skills include an individual’s ability to plan, pay attention, organize, self-regulate emotions, self-monitor, and stay focused on tasks. The three main areas of executive function include: Working Memory, Cognitive Flexibility, and Inhibitory Control.

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Rainy Days- Weekend Vibes

Rainy days giving you the blues?  Wondering what you can do to have fun within your home, get some energy out and feel rested afterwards?  No worries, rainy days do not need to mean that your mood and energy levels inside must mirror what is happening outside.  There is a variety of activities you can do as a couple, individually and as a family.

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December 2018: The Miracle of Oil- Position of the Month by Our Sex Therapist

There are a lot of adults who are currently in survival mode with the holiday season in full swing, so I thought that this month’s highlighted position could provide some time for sexual connection with partners and still be a bit festive. 

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Houston Holiday Activities for the Entire Family!

As a Houstonian that happens to have a family and LOVES the holidays, I decided to compile a list of some of my favorite go-to holiday spots. Whether you are creating new traditions, love celebrating the holidays, or needing fresh ideas, read our list below!

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Utilizing I Feel Statements

Ever had an argument or conversation with a significant other where you walked away thinking, “That conversation did not start or end like I anticipated!”  I think most people can relate to this experience.  One of the most helpful things that I have found for couple is to start the conversation in a better, less defensive way so that the conversation continues to be more open and non-judgmental.  Dr. John Gottman has perfected the method for couples to begin a conversation in a non-defensive manner called softened start-ups.

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