A new buzz word in the field of mental health has been mindfulness. Many have heard about it but are not sure what it is. Mindfulness means being present in the moment.
Read MoreIt can be tough to know when to start therapy for your child. One common misconception of counseling is that there has to be something “wrong” with a person in order for them to go to counseling.
Read MoreEvery marriage goes through rough times. In fact, Dr. John Gottman, one of the leading researchers on marital stability and divorce prediction, states that it is actually how you handle incompatibility that predicts marriage success not how compatibleyou are.
Read MoreHeights Family Counseling's owner, Amy Rollo, M.A., LSSP, LPC-S, is featured in Cy-Fair Magazine as an "Ask the Expert."
Read MoreYou know what time of the year it is when parents are celebrating and kids are dragging their feet. Families made it through the summer and created wonderful memories (as well as probably some not so great memories).
Read MoreWhen parents enter my office for the first time, they often express that they are overwhelmed. They are tired of constantly yelling at their children and know their children are exhausted by the struggle as well.
Read MoreEveryone has days where everything seems negative. You might be in a “funk” and feel like you can’t snap out of it. Here are some tips to instantly improve your mood.
Read MoreAnger is one of the most common reasons that someone enters counseling. However, most people are surprised when I suggest that anger is not the primary emotion they are experiencing.
Read MoreDuring the recent flooding that impacted many of us last week, I began to reflect on crises. Just like many other people, I have been through a personal crisis.
Read MoreI love writing blogs because it allows me to share things with my clients that I am unable to in the counseling room. I do parent consultation frequently, and I wish I could share more often how much I relate to the parents.
Read MoreIt’s National Sibling Day. I know, many of you are thinking “is that a real thing…?” Apparently it is! I recently had my second child and began to witness the importance of siblings.
Read MoreMany people know they need help, but aren’t sure that counseling is a good fit for them. If only you could have a sneak peek into what really happens in counseling sessions.
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