The Powerful Influence of Parents During the Teenage Years

I was recently playing with my young children when my 5-year old asked me how something works. I don’t remember the exact question, but I can assume it had to do with technology, building Legos, or something else my mind just doesn’t want to comprehend. I responded with a smile and a “I’m not sure, but that’s a great question.” He looked at me straight faced and said, “That’s okay, I’ll ask daddy. He knows EVERYTHING!”

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An Open Conversation about Sex

When working with couples who would like to enhance their sexual connection, I often ask about how they have an open, honest conversation about sex.  Many times I am met with silence or confusion because it seems counter-intuitive in our culture to have a conversation about sex. 

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Repair Attempts- A Predictor of Marriage Stability

On average most couples wait 6 years of feeling unhappy in the relationship before seeking help! By this time, negative conflict patterns have been established, and many couples look for the therapist to be a referee instead of a marriage therapist.

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Death and Dying Resources for Children and Parents

Studies have shown that by age 5-6 years of age children understand that death is irreversible and by ages 7-10 years of age children conceptualize death as something that happens to everyone, including oneself. It is important to remember that each individual child varies in their rate of development.

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Summer Time and Play

Despite the joys of summer, many parents express feeling stress after a few weeks. I often hear statements of, “they complain of boredom,” “how much screen time is too much,” and “is it the fall yet?” If you fall in the latter category and aren’t dancing for joy with summer, that is okay! Here are some words of wisdom to get you through the summer months.

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June position of the month from our sex therapist

With Father’s day coming up in just a few short weeks, I thought for this month’s sexual position I would highlight one that is especially pleasurable for a man.  Sexual positions, like doggy style, are typically very stimulating and pleasing to a man because it allows to have control over how much they penetrate and the ability to fully penetrate their partner. 

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Parenting Throughout Our Children's Development

“It’s hard because I know you need me less and less.” As the words left my mouth, I instinctively knew they were wrong, yet I had been holding onto them as the truth.

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Happy International Masturbation Month

For those of you who did not know, May is International Masturbation Month!  In honor of this holiday, this week’s sex-ceptional blog will provide you all with sorts of information regarding masturbation and International Masturbation Month!

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Discovering the New Normal After Children

I was recently asked, “When does life start to feel more normal after having children, and when will I begin to start feeling like myself again?” It’s such a typical question, yet I was unsure how to respond. In truth, the answer is “never,” but when you are in the newborn trenches that answer can be difficult to hear.

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Guide to Surviving Final Exams

It is about that time of year again—dreaded final exams. As a counselor that works with adolescents, I know the stress that many teens feel in regards to school. As I write this, I am reflecting back on my own experience with final exams. I always did well it in school, but when it came time to remembering an entire semester, or even year of material, I panicked. Then, I am supposed to remember a year’s worth of material for 7 classes? An overwhelming feeling takes over, and even though I know I will survive this, in the moment I have no idea how I will. Does this sound familiar? If so, here is a list of some things that you can do to prepare yourself for final exam week.

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Cultivating Intimacy without Sex

I want to talk about intimacy.  When someone mentions intimacy within a relationship, most people immediately think sexual intimacy.  However, intimacy is not just a sexual connection between partners.  Intimacy is the connection and closeness that is cultivated and expressed between partners regardless of setting. 

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“I’m living my best life!"

I have a few horribly kept secrets. Number 1, I live my life with intention and with gratitude. I freaking love my life and can’t imagine another way to live it. Number 2, I’m freaking exhausted. No, not the “I could have snoozed one extra time” exhausted, but the “I think I haven’t slept this past decade” exhausted. Number 3, I try to live my life with no compromises. Family life with two young kids, business, and full time doctoral student… “Why can’t I do it all” I often think… Oh wait, I guess I need to refer back to number 2. Exhaustion. That is why we can’t always do it all.

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