A few years ago I wrote a blog on compassion fatigue for therapists and got more comments on it than any previous blog. I wanted to go back to it, as helpers just navigated lockdowns, a pandemic, and limited resources while giving to their clients. This seems more relevant than ever before.
Read MoreI’m a counselor so I am always a strong advocate of mental health awareness. When Simone Biles pulled out of the competition because of mental health reasons, I knew there would be strong reactions on all sides. My time as a competitive gymnast and as a mental health counselor pushed me to want to write about this experience so others can understand.
Read MoreWe are currently living an age that I like to the call the “Mental Health Renaissance”. Everywhere you turn in popular media, there seems to be more and more discussion about mental health and mental illness. And as a therapist and a longtime recipient of therapy myself, I think it is a beautiful thing to see. The less taboo we can make the subject, the more people will reach out and get the help they need, and the research seems to be bearing that out!
Read MoreI’m not sure how far into motherhood I was when I first heard the term, “A mother is born.” To be honest, my experience into motherhood didn’t feel like I was born. While I was more in love with my baby than I thought was ever possible, it still felt more like something in me was lost- it felt more like a death than birth. The more I work with new mothers and now being almost a decade into the motherhood journey, I have some understanding of this experience.
Read MoreThis is a question that I hear a lot in the first few sessions of working with individuals and couples. Client(s) are always interested to know if a specific struggle should be processed in an individual therapy setting, or if this something that should/could be addressed in couples therapy. And, then do we need couples or sex therapy? In short, the answer to this question is a bit more complicated than it appears!
Read More“How are you doing,” I commonly ask clients, and the response is “I’m okay…” The okays are sounding different these days. Heavier. There is a lot of hope as of late. Vaccines have been a game changer for many, as many are able to re-enter society after a “lost” year. However, there is still a heaviness. I’ve been talking to lots of people lately and listening to what feels heavy right now and why feelings of depression might be lingering.
Read MoreYour worth is intrinsic. It is a natural, stable part of your existence. Period.I wish I could stop there. Unfortunately, far too many of us don’t believe it, and will brush it off and keep holding on to the painful and false belief that your worth is dependent on what other people see. But no one’s worth – not mine, not yours, not theirs – is determined by a committee.
Read MoreWith COVID-19 cases still surging in several states and the Houston area, you and your partner are likely still spending a great deal of one on one time together! Here’s to trying out our highlighted position of the month, in order to help ease the stress of quarantine. The two of you might feel more comfortable following the recommendations that have been posted for Sex and the Coronavirus Pandemic (found here). If you or your partner are not feeling well, you might consider delaying sexually engagement.
Read MoreHal Elrod is the creator of the Miracle Morning, a practice he developed to take control of his life one day at a time. Elrod is no stranger to struggle. He has survived a near-fatal auto accident complete with a year-long recovery and crippling financial loss, twice. To rebound from the devastating impact of his life experiences and course correct, he began studying the habits of successful people and created a morning regimen that touches several facets of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
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