Posts tagged EMDR counseling
Demystifying EMDR

This confusion is a fairly common start to a conversation about EMDR. The acronym is a bit lengthy and the full name is a mouthful! EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Whew! Try saying that five times fast!

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Podcasts That Challenge & Inspire

Our current reality is undoubtedly challenging in one way or another. Thank you, 2020 for pushing our limits... and our buttons. It can be mentally and emotionally exhausting to read or listen to the news on a regular basis, and more so if you tend to obsess. With so many news outlets at our fingertips, it’s easy to spend hours on end in the rabbit hole. That’s why we talk about limiting your news intake – to help protect your mental and emotional health. Find out what you need to know, but don’t bury yourself in it.

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Life S.A.V.E.R.S.

Hal Elrod is the creator of the Miracle Morning, a practice he developed to take control of his life one day at a time. Elrod is no stranger to struggle. He has survived a near-fatal auto accident complete with a year-long recovery and crippling financial loss, twice. To rebound from the devastating impact of his life experiences and course correct, he began studying the habits of successful people and created a morning regimen that touches several facets of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

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Trauma and the Pandemic

If you have ever experienced a trauma, you are likely struggling during the pandemic. You might be wondering why you are experiencing panic, despair, anxiety, depression, etc. I want to let you know there is a reason you feel this way; your body is trying to protect you.

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