I once had a child tell me that taking someone else’s perspective is impossible. Children, especially those diagnosed with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders, tend to take things literally and struggle with perspective-taking. This is because of a child’s cognitive development. Jean Piaget, a renowned psychologist and child development theorist, developed the stage theory of cognitive development that is still used to understand children today. This theory includes 4 stages
Read MoreAccording to LinkedIn, today marks a year that Heights Family Counseling has been open. I have a love for dates. They allow us to pause, reflect, celebrate, and shift.
Read MoreListening to the behavior and responding to the emotion the child is trying to communicate is the path to fostering emotion regulation.
Read MoreI can remember it like it was yesterday. The awkward silence. The “I am not really sure why I am here.” And the thoughts of, “can I really trust this person?” I wasn’t sure what to say, so I casually noted her nails and asked about her manicure. We had awkward banter for 10 minutes about her nails, and before I knew it I was in a waiting room, and my father was in her office.
Read MoreFor October’s position of the month, I decided to go in a bit of a different direction that usual. Instead of highlighting one specific position, I thought that I would share some pointers on discussing sexual fantasies with partners. With this information in tow and a spirit of playfulness, the two of you will be sure to have a freaky-fun Halloween!
Read MoreEver feel like life is happening without your input and you’re just along for the ride? Ever wake up and wonder, “How the heck did I get here?” Believe me, I feel you! It is so easy to get into a routine and go through the motions each day because it’s comfortable and efficient . . . and necessary. Cue the laundry list of obligations and responsibilities.
Read MoreMany of us have heard of the book, The Five Love Languages. Couples are the first to buy the book, hoping it will shed light on how to better show love to their partner. Yet, many stop there, and few think about what their child’s love language is. Understanding how your child gives and receives love is important to their emotional development. So, how do we show our children the love they need? First, identify their love language.
Read MoreOften, I work with couples who, by the time they find themselves in my office, have built a mountain of resentment towards one another. I have found that one of the things that helps in being able to process their resentment and move forward from it, is to talk about how two opposing truths can exist within the same emotional space. Meaning that: one can be disappointed and hurt by something their partner has said and/or done, and can also still love their partner (show them physical and emotional love).
Read MorePressure. I feel it, you feel, and our children feel it. We feel the pressure to succeed, the pressure to be the best parent, and the pressure to raise successful children. Our society has created this undue pressure to “be the best.” It is normal to see high schools placing pressure on good grades and getting accepted into desirable colleges.
Read MoreI’m just SO busy. A statement I hear coming from my mouth many times a week. With life, work, volunteering, and keeping a house together, it seems there is no time left in the day for projects and activities I still want to do. I have a list of “to-dos” that are left undone at the end of the day. But, am I really as busy as I think I am? If I’m being honest, probably not. My busyness does not always mean that I am being productive.
Read MoreWith the anniversary of Hurricane Harvey and the threat of Hurricane Florence on the East Coast, the major effects of flooding have been weighing on my mind lately. Did you know that you can become flooded, too?
Read MoreFor September’s highlighted sexual position of the month, I thought I would share a position from a book that I recently purchased as a resource for clients. When clients mention that they struggle to spice up their sex lives or the positions that they use, I often recommend for them to purchase a picture book of positions to help initiate and/or lead the conversation.
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