We’ve all been there…so ambitious to kick our bad habits, promised ourselves this year’s going to be different, and then feeling completely defeated by mid-January. No, it’s not just you. Here are some tips to get your motivation back and get back on track:
Read MoreHey single folks! How’s your dating life?
Are you meeting people who hold your interest?
Inspire you?
Comfort you?
Excite you?
Are you dating people who get you?
Read MoreThe radio is no longer blasting holiday music round the clock, the stores have swept up the tinsel, and a few lonely strands of lights on a neighbor’s roof remind us that ‘tis no longer the season to be merry and bright. We spend the fall rushing about, preparing to feast and have fellowship, and the winter decorating, gifting, and ushering in a New Year. And then what?
Read MoreHey, y’all! This is the second installment of my ongoing series where I get to share my love of podcasts and mental health awareness!
Read MoreSelf-care. Had a hard week at work? I’m going to have a glass of wine. Self-care. Long day, and overly exhausted? I’m going to take a bath. Self-care. Feeling overwhelmed and just need to check out for a little while? I’m going to sit outside and read today. Self-care.
Read MoreInsecurities. We all have them. Insecurity simply means the feeling of uncertainty. These feelings of uncertainty can manifest themselves in the physical form as well as emotional uncertainty.
Read MoreI can think of many situations where I thought to myself, “I wish this person could just read my mind.” That way, I am able to escape the responsibility of having to tell them myself because that feeling is not always the most desirable. How is this person going to respond to my request?
Read MoreThere is so much interesting and thought-provoking content about mental health out there these days, it’s hard to even know where to start! Movies, magazines, TV shows, and even songs on Top40 radio have been taking on the topic of mental health, exploring it from dozens of fresh and new perspectives. My personal favorite way to look at the subject through a new lens is via podcasts! Honestly, if I am doing anything in which I do not have to immediately interact with another person, odds are pretty good that I have a podcast on in the background. This became especially true during the pandemic when bouts of loneliness and isolation would creep in, and it was so comforting to hear the familiar voices of my favorite podcast hosts wafting through my home.
Read MoreWelcome to the final part of this blog series! If you are just arriving and have not already identified your Enneagram type, I strongly recommend going back and also reading about Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type 7 and Type 8. To recap, I am explaining all 9 Enneagram types and sharing personality specific self-care recommendations for each type. Many of these self-care ideas have been pulled from Christina S. Wilcox’s book, Take Care of Your Type. If these blogs resonate with you, you will LOVE her work. Understanding the different personality types will arm you with the knowledge to better replenish your unique emotional needs. It will also help you nurture and show empathy towards your partner’s needs.
Read MoreI was recently interviewed by someone looking for clickbait. What they didn’t know was I don’t do light, and I certainly don’t do divisive. We were going to go deep whether their article wanted it or not, hence the failed interview.
Read MoreWe are currently living an age that I like to the call the “Mental Health Renaissance”. Everywhere you turn in popular media, there seems to be more and more discussion about mental health and mental illness. And as a therapist and a longtime recipient of therapy myself, I think it is a beautiful thing to see. The less taboo we can make the subject, the more people will reach out and get the help they need, and the research seems to be bearing that out!
Read MoreWelcome to part 8 of this blog series and thank you for following along! If you are just arriving and have not already identified your Enneagram type, I strongly recommend going back and also reading about Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6 and Type 7. To recap, I will be explaining all 9 Enneagram types and sharing personality specific self-care recommendations for each type. Many of these self-care ideas have been pulled from Christina S. Wilcox’s book, Take Care of Your Type.
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