We are all guilty of using negative language, “stop that”, “don’t you dare”. In the moment, it is hard for caregivers to remember to stop and use positive language, especially when a child is doing something particularly dangerous.
Read MoreSleep – the ever-elusive miracle worker. From better moods and sharper minds to managing weight and preventing cancer, sleep can do it all. But do you know how? It turns out that while we’re resting, our biological systems are hard at work throughout the night. While neuroscience and biological functioning run far deeper than my well of knowledge, I am fascinated by the immense and intricate work the brain and body do while we’re sleeping.
Read MoreIf you are just tuning into this new blog series, I highly suggest going back to read/complete the first date topic, trust and commitment. As a recap, Eight Dates is a date guide about 8 different beneficial conversations that help couples to connect and gain a better understanding of one another. Over the next couple of months, I will be completing overviews of each date conversation.
Read MoreYou start working with a new therapist and she says that she will be utilizing TBRI with your child. What exactly does she mean? TBRI or Trust Based Relational Intervention was developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross. It is a holistic, evidence based, and developmentally respectful practice that meets the needs of the whole child (Atchley, 2019).
Read MoreRecently I was browsing LinkedIn and I stumbled upon an article that discussed how “successful people make small talk.” I decided to dive in to see if there were any helpful takeaways. All I could think of while reading was how important meaningful connections are.
Read MoreIf you follow our social media pages, you may have noticed the influx of Gottman quotes that have been used in the past few weeks. These quotes have been pulled from their latest book, Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. Eight Dates is a date guide about 8 different beneficial conversations that help connect and unify couples.
Read MoreOftentimes when I begin parenting support sessions, we discuss attachment. Many parents struggle with describing ways in which they built an attachment with their child. I believe that it is extremely important for parents to be aware of how they are building an attachment with their child so that they can strive to build a secure attachment.
Read MoreAdolescence is a time when the body and brain undergo major changes. This brings about both trials and benefits for self-regulation. Brain systems responsible for emotions and sought rewards are more developed than their counterpart, cognitive control system. The cognitive control is responsible for good decision making and future planning.
Read MoreThis month’s highlighted position, Turn the Tables, is a bit challenging and can definitely be considered a workout for both partners. Because this position requires some flexibility, doing some light stretching together beforehand will help avoid injuries and/or muscle cramps.
Read MoreThrough the elementary years, children gain insight on how to better control their emotions, behavior, and attention. Children gain the ability to cope with impulses and delayed gratification. Children begun to think about thought processes, emotion, and develop critical thinking skills.
Read MoreAccording to John Gottman, PhD, researcher and couples therapist extraordinaire, date night is an essential pillar in healthy relationships. It may be easy to write this practice off as frivolous and unnecessary, but it’s neither. Date Night is about quality time spent connecting to one another through relaxation, play, and focused attention.
Read MoreChildren experience periods of rapid growth in areas of the brain associated with self-regulation. Piggy- backing off of the toddler years, it is important to continue to reinforce emotion identification, perspective-taking, calm down strategies, and problem-solving. I can not express enough how important it is to model the behavior and skills you are teaching your children.
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