You did it, momma. You carried this little life for 9 months, went to countless appointments, and labored for hours (or not if you’re one of the lucky ones) and now you are holding a little one in your arms. Many people will give you all the advice about how to care for baby and what to do once they are here, but often don’t tell you how to care for yourself once baby is here. The moment that little one arrives, your hold world becomes about them and it is easy for you to forget to care for yourself. Sometimes, it’s not that you don’t want to, but truly feel like you are unable to.
Read More“This is fine” (insert meme of cute dog sipping coffee with fire surrounding it). I think I sent this meme to different members of the HFC team at least half a dozen times throughout the pandemic with tears running down my face from laughter like I was losing it… Maybe I was losing it. Humor is my coping skill and while my own therapist may disapprove of it at times, it really has helped me survive the pandemic.
Read MoreSince COVID-19 is still surging all over, you and your partner are likely still spending a great deal of one-on-one time together. Add in coming out of the holiday session and COVID fatigue, y’all might really be in need of a connecting and tension relieving exercise! The two of you might feel more comfortable following the recommendations that have been posted for Sex and the Coronavirus Pandemic (found here). If you or your partner are not feeling well, you might consider delaying sexual engagement. As a healthy sex practice, please continue to wash your hands before and after a sexual experience. Plus, if it helps you both to feel more comfortable, start your shared sexual experience by taking a shower together!
Read MoreCongratulations! You’re engaged. Amongst all the wedding planning (as if that wasn’t enough to keep you busy!), you may also be considering going to pre-marital counseling, or perhaps your church requires it. Many couples coming in for premarital counseling don’t know exactly what to expect or have some hesitations about the process. It’s many people’s first experience with counseling or therapy, particularly couple’s therapy, so they may have no frame of reference. I’d like to demystify the process of premarital counseling to help you to decide what’s best for your relationship. Here are some common misconceptions about premarital counseling.
Read MoreAlright, y’all! We made it. I don’t know if anyone else follows those funny memes where people show photos of their slowly declining mood for every month of the year, but I find them incredibly accurate. If I created one of my own, my December photo would probably be me crawling over the finish line with a forced, slightly fearful smile. I would force a smile because there is something refreshing about the New Year that makes me want to believe in new opportunities and positive growth, but the little bit of fear comes from so many unknowns in 2021.
Read MoreAs we wrap a year like 2020, gratitude can seem like a stretch, perhaps especially for those among us who have faced grave loss. We have collectively been through some unprecedented and extremely challenging times over the last year. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. I’m feeling the weight of all that humanity has experienced.
Read MoreThere’s been a brief hiatus for the Position of the Month, but we’re back with a bang! Since COVID-19 is still surging all over, you and your partner are likely still spending a great deal of one on one time together! Add in holiday stress and covid fatigue, y’all might really be in need of a connecting and tension reliving exercise! The two of you might feel more comfortable following the recommendations that have been posted for Sex and the Coronavirus Pandemic (found here).
Read MoreI haven’t had a haircut since January. I haven’t seen my colleagues in person in eight months. I haven’t lingered over a long, relaxing meal with friends – in a restaurant or a home – in about that long. And I really miss seeing my clients in person. The energy and connection of being with people in person feed my soul.
Read MoreFor many people, this may seem like a silly question. Many people do not think much about their gender and how they define it. American culture, along with many others around the world, has had a strong focus on men versus women for a long time. Women have had and still have different rights, advantages, and experiences than men across the globe. Men and women have different societal expectations of roles within families, how they dress, how they play, who they love, and how they work, only to name a few. When most people think of gender, they think of the sexual body parts that we are born with and our chromosomal make-up, however, these things refer to our biological sex, not gender. Gender is how we express ourselves in relation to masculinity and femininity, not our biological sex.
Read Morehat’s a lot of people in emotional pain. There’s a pretty good chance that you know someone who has depression or has suffered from depression in the past. Would you know it if you saw it? Could you recognize depression in the people around you?
Read MoreDid you know your brain has a negativity bias? That’s right. Your brain is actually wired to see negative context first and you have to work extra hard to think positively. In some ways, this is a strength because it allows us to best protect ourselves against danger. Although, it can also contribute to a lot of the pain, anger, and burnout we experience in our jobs, our relationships, and other parts of our lives. The good news is that we can change the neurochemistry of our brains by consistently practicing new ways of thinking.
Read MoreIt was 20 years ago this month that my grandfather passed away. This was my first experience with death and the dying process. I was 12 years old, and I still remember the feelings I felt to the news that he passed away… extreme sadness, shock, anger, worry, confusion, etc. Those are a lot of feelings for any child to experience all at once.
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