Life S.A.V.E.R.S.

Hal Elrod is the creator of the Miracle Morning, a practice he developed to take control of his life one day at a time. Elrod is no stranger to struggle. He has survived a near-fatal auto accident complete with a year-long recovery and crippling financial loss, twice. To rebound from the devastating impact of his life experiences and course correct, he began studying the habits of successful people and created a morning regimen that touches several facets of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

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Can Abuse Happen to Me?

People often think of abusive relationships as violent, horrendous, and bloody, like something you would see on some sensational television drama. While that is the experience of many, other survivors may not relate. In fact, more often than not, domestic violence does not involve the use of physical abuse. Non-physical forms of abuse can be just as if not even more painful and harmful to survivors’ wellbeing.

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Covid Tension? It Might be Time for Couples Counseling

Many couples become gridlocked on issues. This means they have the same perpetual fight and cannot reach a conclusion or compromise. This is how many couples find themselves on my couch… Well, I guess on my computer screen these days. Many couples are now becoming gridlocked on issues surrounding the pandemic. I find these fights carry even more tension, as what one partner does can impact the other, as well as the entire family.

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Why You Need to Prioritize Your Marriage After Baby

The steps seem so easy in this all too familiar playground song. We were taught at a young age that after you fall in love, you get married, then you have children… And then everyone lives happily ever after. We now know that relationships and love can come in many different forms and don’t always follow this simple childhood song; however, many still continue to believe in the fairytale of what we think life will look like after having a baby. For many, they believe their relationship will grow stronger, they will feel more in love, and live blissfully ever after when starting a family.

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Let’s Talk About Sex After an Affair

Let’s talk about sex…Now that I have everyone’s attention, let’s really talk about sex. When a marriage is going through a dip, I often hear from my clients that their sexual intimacy also suffers. It makes sense because sex requires vulnerability with our partner.

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Developmental Regression in Children During the COVID Pandemic

Since life changed in March, you may have noticed your child having more potty accidents, thumb sucking, or drinking from a bottle when your child has not done these things in years. Your child may also have more tantrums and appear clingy as well. It can feel confusing as a parent as to why this is happening and what to do about it.

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Anxiety Relief Strategies

When clients present with symptoms of anxiety, my immediate reaction is to let them know that they are not alone. I normalize the heck out of any shame or confusion and commend them for listening to their bodies and getting the little bit of help they need.

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Self-reflection. Two words that can seem intriguing, complex, and daunting when put together. Self-reflection is the act of “meditating or thinking about one’s character, actions, and motives”(Webster Dictionary). Reflection allows for growth.

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Bibliotherapy-Family Changes

Bibliotherapy is a creative art therapeutic approach that uses literature to aid in the therapy process. Children’s books can be an excellent clinical tool to support children’s exploration and understanding of their world and life experiences. This is a great tool I often give to parents in order to continue the therapeutic work outside of the office.

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July Position of the Month: Sphinx Seduction

July’s highlighted position of the month, is the Sphinx Seduction. While a sexual experience is a time to emotionally connect with one another, it is also a great time to get your blood pumping and release physical energy together. In the midst of a quarantine, it could also help you both to feel more connected to one another and ease any stress that both of you might be feeling.

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Quarantine Creative

We live in a social society. We live in an era of being busy. All. The. Time. Developing technology allows us to do a million things at once. We can send a text, order dinner, and check out at the grocery store all while taking a phone call and tending to a child. As we have continued to expand the idea of multi-tasking and operating at lightning speed, we are starting to see that this form of existence is not sustainable. We will crash.

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How are you coping? A Mental Wellness Check-in

Raise your hand if you are feeling frayed. Fatigued. Restless. Edgy. Gloomy. As we continue along the path of living our lives mostly at home, the signs of wear are showing up in therapy. In addition to the “usual” anxious and depressed experiences, we are hearing words like “unsettled,” “lazy,” “unmotivated” and “disconnected.” Even the folks who were initially quite comfortable with the separateness and social shelter of stay-home orders are starting to feel the impact.

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